Caught exception while deserializing data

Unity 2020.3
A* Pathfinding 4.2.15

I want to load grid graphs for terrain streaming (512x512 terrain size) but get this error message when trying to load a saved file:


It happens in the Editor and during runtime alike.

Searching through the forum I want to mention that I have bytecode stripping disabled (tried enabling it too).
And I found this thread but my coding experience is to limited to reproduce this (maybe you could share a more detailed version if this is still valid in 2021).

I can’t use Recast Graphs (if this would be an idea) because I have to include penalties through a texture.

In any case, thanks a lot for any ideas!


Do you think you could try to rename that file to have a .zip extension and then try to unzip it with another program?

I renamed it with a .zip extension and unzipped it:

When I try to drag&drop the files into a folder, get this windows-errors:

Neither of these 5 files can be loaded with pathfinding.


Yeah, that file just seems very corrupt. Not sure what happened to it. I’d recommend discarding it and saving a new one.

Sure, and I tried it multiple times with different locations.

This does not happen though when I decrease the size of the area (from 512x512 to 256x256).
So would you recommend just splitting up the sizes into multiple files, or maybe go for something like runtime scanning on every enemy and procedural grid mover on the character?
(3rd person game, rather big worlds)

Thanks for helping out!


This might be a bug in the zip library that I am using. I remember a case from many years ago where zip files would get corrupted with some very specific settings. This was due to the library generating the wrong hash in some extremely rare circumstance. As a workaround I’d try tweaking the grid size sliightly, just make some change to the settings that hopefully would cause the zip library to generate a different (correct) hash.

Hi Aron,
you gave the right hint, I can scan with 513x513 or 511x511, works fine.
Only 512x512 won’t do it :mrs_claus:


Really strange. I remember last time I saw this error (a single other user has gotten this error), it was also with exactly 512x512…