Bugfix in AIPath.cs

// KevinJ: This is to fix a slow rotation and movement that only moves forward causing the unit to orbit the target
if (updateRotation == false && slowWhenNotFacingTarget == true)
var currentMaxSpeed = maxSpeed * slowdown;
float dot = Mathf.Max(0, Vector2.Dot(velocity2D.normalized, movementPlane.ToPlane(rotationIn2D ? tr.up : tr.forward)));
velocity2D = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(velocity2D, currentMaxSpeed * dot);
velocity2D = MovementUtilities.ClampVelocity(velocity2D, maxSpeed, slowdown, slowWhenNotFacingTarget, movementPlane.ToPlane(rotationIn2D ? tr.up : tr.forward));


I’d guess your acceleration is way too low if it only orbits the target.
Also, if you don’t want it to move only in the forwards direction you can just disable the ‘slowWhenNotFacingTarget’ toggle.