Beta versions display strang version numbers


we currently get a crash caused by the RVO stuff when qutting the game (i’ll do a separate post about it). Therefore I wanted to check if an update is available. However the A* version inspector panel says that i’m on version 4.15 and 4.17 would be available. But i’m definetly on the most current version (named 4.16 on the download page).

Why is it displaying the wrong version and much more interesting: why does it show a version that does not exist? Or is 4.17 available somewhere?

Best regards


Yeah my build script seems to have failed to update the version number correctly for the last release. It should say 4.16 in the inspector.
4.17 is a beta for another branch that I uploaded for a few specific users, however the update checker currently checks all branches. You can download 4.17 if you go to the download page ( and click on ‘Show Older Versions’. However it doesn’t have that many changes compared to 4.16.