AILerp path goes through obstacles when the AILerp.speed is set very high?

My project is about running the movement simulations with the ability to modify the speed of the simulation. I do this by simply multiplying the internal timer variable and the objects’ movement speed (AILerp.speed) by the set multiplier.
The base speed is about 1-3m/s, however if the time scale multiplier is set to x64 or more - I start noticing some (usually longer) paths going straight through the obstacles and unwalkable areas. It gets extremely bad when the multiplier goes to x500.

I use the Seeker.pathCallback to get the path and add it to the lineRenderer component of each moving object to have a persistent path drawn on screen:
public void OnPathComplete(Path p)
if (p.error) return;
LineRenderer line = lineRenderer;
line.positionCount += p.vectorPath.Count;
int l = line.positionCount - p.vectorPath.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < p.vectorPath.Count; i++)
line.SetPosition(l, p.vectorPath[i] + pathOffset);

Is there something I’m doing wrong or can you advise me on how to calculate more precise AILerp paths for a high speed objects?

Turns out I was doing something wrong.
Now I’m calculating the path separately
ABPath.Construct(lastPathPosition, lerp.destination, OnPathComplete);
and then passing it to the Seeker

And obviously using the GameObject.Transform.Position as an initial path coordinate is not ideal for the AILerp path computation, so I’m using the lastPathPosition instead which is being set in the OnPathComplete callback:
if (i == p.vectorPath.Count-1) lastPathPosition = p.vectorPath[i];

If the path smoothing needs to be applied - you can do it explicitly within the same callback:

If you are using custom ways to determine if the path target is reached or if the bot is stuck - you need to make sure they won’t interfere with the path calculation.
I was waiting 10 update ticks and if the bot position hasn’t changed - teleported it to the destination, but on larger paths - the calculation may take longer than 10 ticks so you will request a new path before the previous one was finished. And as for AILerp - reachedEndOfPath should really be enough to determine if the path movement is finished.