Agent goes to the nearest node

My moving agents seems to occasionaly going to the nearest node, instead of starting from his original position.

And these are the configurations:

I’m using RVO Controller, Seeker and Funnel Modifier.

Can anyone point me my mistake?

Thanks a lot!


Which version are you using?
4.0.4 fixed a bug which would cause the FunnelModifier to stop working if ‘Add Points’ was enabled on the Seeker’s StartEndModifier.

Generally I think you can disable ‘Add Points’, ‘Raycasting’ and ‘Graph Raycasting’ and instead set ‘Start Point’ and ‘End Point’ to ‘Closest On Node’. This should give you essentially the same results but it is faster.
Though I am thinking that possibly the ‘Raycasting’ option could have caused some problems. What it does is that from the starting node of the path it will fire a raycast (see Unity docs for Physics.Raycast) towards the exact position that the agent had when it started to search for the path. It will then check if that raycast hits anything and change the start of the path to that point. However since you have the layer mask set to ‘Everything’ it might have hit the agent itself which could have caused the start of the path to be moved to the wrong position. As before, try to disable it.