2D Grid Graph doesn't recognize all TileMap Colliders in Layer

Hi. I am super new to Unity. I followed some tutorials to set up a 2D twin-stick shooter and I want to add in some AI so that the enemies can chase and shoot at the player. I have looked around and everything seems to point to A* Pathfinding as the way to go but I can’t seem to get anything to work.
I am trying to set up the Grid Graph but it only seems to recognize about half of the edges of my obstacles.

I have two Tilemap objects with Colliders set as the bounds and the hazards in my scene. They are both in the hazards physics layer for simplicity but on different sorting layers because the bounds are hidden beneath everything else. When I try to set up the Grid Graph to recognize the hazards layer as obstacles and hit scan, it only marks about half of the nodes on the edges of the Colliders and none of the nodes in the centers of the hazards. Any advice would be appreciated, I honestly don’t have much experience with all of this but I am trying to learn as much as I can.
